The Record Plant Diaries Project


Fifty years ago, the rock ‘n’ roll angels and demons haunted the new Record Plant Sausalito, and they are...

50th Anniversary July 4: John & Yoko at Record Plant NY

50 Years-Ago July 4: John & Yoko at Record Plant NY! ZOOM Video Meeting With Those Who Were There…...

Presto's "Imaginative" ADT Chango

  Roy Cicala and his Record Plant New York team could do the impossible.  During the Imagine sessions in...

"Ohio" Record Plant Diaries, Chapter 22

The last time Jimi Hendrix worked at Record Plant New York was May 15, 1970, one week before the...

Chapter XVI: 50 Year Anniversary: Record Plant LA Opens December 4, 1969

Opening celebration in Los Angeles, December 4, 1969. Pictured L-R are attorney Tom Butler, producer Tom Wilson, investors Ben...
Vault, Videos, Witnesses
50th Anniversary July 4: John & Yoko at Record Plant NY
Presto's "Imaginative" ADT Chango
Book & Film, Music, Stories, Vault, Witnesses
"Ohio" Record Plant Diaries, Chapter 22
Book & Film, Music, Stories, Uncategorized, Vault, Witnesses
Chapter XVI: 50 Year Anniversary: Record Plant LA Opens December 4, 1969
Stories, Witnesses

Tom HIdley: Breaking Sound Barriers

A 2015 conversation between audio trailblazer Tom Hidley and Record Plant co-founder Chris Stone (moderated by Steve Harvey). Tom Hidley: You can’t really talk about Record Plant unless you talk about two main individuals. The first being Gary Kellgren, who…

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Vault, Videos

Phantom of Paradise in Studio B, LA

Malcolm Cecil remembers finding out that Chris Stone had rented out Studio B  for a movie.  (Note the beautiful John Storyk-designed cabinets that were designed to house  Margouleff and Cecil’s TONTO) “We booked (Studio B) out but occasionally  we weren’t…

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Photos, Witnesses

Witnesses: Random Notes

The Record Plant Diaries is built on the stories of the artists, engineers, producers, and “hangers-on” who worked and lived in the studios in New York, Los Angeles and Sausalito, as well as those who were part of the Record…

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